Jeremy Yeung - 1st place Finisher LUNAR I

Almost There, Keep Going
“Start with an achievable target and remember to have fun.”
TRAILME: Will you tell us a little bit about yourself? How did you begin running?
I started running around 2013, and started trail running about six and a half years ago. The distance at the very beginning was around 20 kilometers, but I’ve completed three 100-mile races since then.
TRAILME: You had an amazing run the other day. How often do you train? What’s your routine like?
I run every day. Every month I’ll run around 500 kilometers, that’s my normal training plan. I usually run twice, once around lunchtime and once in the evening, so about 16 kilometers every day. Hong Kong is great that way. We are very near country parks. When I practice about half of the distance is trail running and the other half is road running. And sometimes I head to the sports track to train.
TRAILME: Do you ever take your daughters outdoors with you?
My daughters are one and three. My one-year-old is just learning how to walk, I usually take them to the park, and hopefully when they’re older we can hike together!
TRAILME: What was the last race you joined?
That would be the Lunar Trail Challenge 1.
TRAILME: What is the next race you’re planning to join?
The next one is the Lunar Trail Challenge 2 in late January, so I’m training for that. Because we won’t have any course markings, and it’s at night, you have to be familiar with the turning points and directions. I’d like to run the whole route at least once before the actual day.
TRAILME: What is your running theme? How do you motivate yourself when you run? Any favorite music?
I never listen to music when I run. I like to focus on my running pace, especially at night. I’ll check to see if my current pace follows my plan. Sometimes I’ll think of some lyrics, rather than actually listen to a song. I just watch my pace and keep running. If anything, I’ll tell myself, you’re almost there, keep going!
TRAILME: What was your most memorable experience on your trail running journey?
It would have to be the UTMB, I finished the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc in 2018. On our journey as trail runners, most of us want to go to Chamonix to finish the 100-mile UTMB challenge. And it’s an amazing opportunity because it’s so different from races in Hong Kong. The trail, the temperature, and the environment are all a big change from what we’re used to. In August in France it’s normal for the temperature to be around 10 degrees Celsius, whereas in Hong Kong, we’re used to 30 degrees Celsius at least. The highest point in Hong Kong is about 1000m, the altitudes in Chamonix are so much higher. So it’s a very different and challenging experience. But it’s a lifetime experience I would recommend to any trail runner. One time at least!
TRAILME: How do you keep yourself up-to-date with upcoming race information?
To be very honest, none of us know how 2021 is going to pan out. Will we have any races? Will we run without masks? We’ll have to wait and see! I’d thought of maybe going to Italy to run the Lavaredo Ultra Trail (LUT) in 2021, but in the short term, it’s just to stay in Hong Kong and keep training.
TRAILME: Do you use any sports apps or wearables when you go trail running?
I usually use my Garmin watch and Strava, like most runners. It’s easy to monitor my heart rate, pace and altitude gain.
TRAILME: Any advice for runners just starting out?
I’d recommend that they just monitor themselves, and don’t force themselves too much. Enjoy your running. Sometimes you feel like training, sometimes you don’t. I like to reflect that the reason I run is that I enjoy it. Having a good habit and hopefully getting enough exercise to keep myself healthy. Start with an achievable target and remember to have fun!
Thank you so much Jeremy. Thank you for making the time. We wish you all the best for Lunar Trail Challenge 2!