Power your race with access to real-time race data such as live ranking, estimated finishing time, remaining elevation gain, and distance to next checkpoint. The state-of-art IoT technology is here to heighten your trail running experience.
Real-Time Performance Data
Monitor your real-time race performance like ranking and gender/gender age group ranking, average speed, speed increase to finish or know your remaining cut-off time for each checkpoint or your transition time between check-in and check-out for every checkpoint.
Live Tracking with Navigation
Check your progress on the map and see where you are. Track your friends and competitors and fuel your challenge. Improve your ranking, knowing the time gap of the runner ahead and behind you. Find out how popular your live stream is when you race.

Predictive Performance Data
Know your predictive performance like time of arrival or speed increase to finish before cut-off. Stay tuned for the predicted elevation directly ahead of you and the remaining gain to make.
Engage with Your Fans and Supporters
Invite your fans and supporters to your live stream and let them follow your performance and follow your real time position. Let them see how you progress along your trail running experience and be part of your challenge. You supporters will know when you arrive at your checkpoints and finish and can be there for you to cheer you up.
Racers' Journey
Download App
and Create account.
Select Event & Course
and Register.
Check My Races
for your registered races.
See My Races
the Pre-Start checked-in racers.
Use Live
for real-time race information.
Learn Results
in Past Events.