"THANA" - First HK36 Female Finisher (36km)

TRAILME: How often do you go to trail running trainings?
Aleli: Only Sundays and Public Holidays.
TRAILME: What was the last race you joined?
Aleli: Officially: HK100
Unofficially: TransLantau100 (canceled due to COVID)
(I did the OTW 2019 unofficially too; cancelled due to the protest and TNF100 to qualify for the Grand Slam 😊)
Or HK36 and HK20 if virtual races counts?
TRAILME: What is the next race you planned to join?
Aleli: I only am registered for Oxfam and Gurkha Trailblazer this season due to the uncertainties of races taking place.
TRAILME: What is your running theme?
Aleli: You signed up for it, you gotta finish it!
TRAILME: What is the most memorable experience in your trail running journey?
Aleli: I am divided between my first OTW and first solo ultra with HK100 coz:
OTW: I’ve led the first all female and all domestic helper team in Oxfam history with only a 12km race experience under my belt.
Trained myself and my team mates and hiked (no idea about trailrunning by then coz I thought OTW is hiking only 😅) the route all the way to finish line at 32 something hours finishing time.
Or HK100: I have been offered a slot to give it a try by Marie McNaughton but initially I declined coz I was scared of the dark but she said there’ll be lots people which I found out true when finally persuaded and that I have to run as fast as her to be left alone in the dark haha. I fast walked the first 2 sections then got embarrassed when everyone was running except me haha. So I tried to run too and oh boy I didn’t know I can!
I run as fast as my legs allowed me without any regards about pacing and stuff coz what do I know about running, I was only a hiker! Was having lots of cramps and limping like a grandma since Gilwell Camp and struggling with pain especially on the downhills but never gave up and is determined to push until I drop. I was in so much pain I couldn’t even pretend a grin for a finish line photo haha but thankful I still made it sub-24. Got to rest for 2 weeks though coz my left knee was painful but equally thrilled too to find out I can run!
TRAILME: How do you keep yourself updated with the upcoming race information?
Aleli: I am subscribed to newsletter from Racematix and Race Timing Solutions plus I check out the HK Race Calendar online.
TRAILME: How do using sports apps or other wearables assist you in trail running?
Aleli: GPS watch is a good thing to have as it monitor heartbeat, pace and download routes for easy access. Strava is good too but not as important for me.
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