Registration Closed

Healthy Hike & Run (2025)

5.00km / 13.00km / 19.00km









5.00km / 13.00km / 19.00km
Action Asia Events
Add to Calendar 2025-03-16 07:30:00 2025-03-16 12:30:00 Healthy Hike & Run (2025) View Detail : Tai Lam Action Asia Events Action Asia Events Asia/Hong_Kong public


Families, Road runners and trail enthusiasts. This is for you with 3 distances of 5km (kids and family will love easy hiking trail with nature signs along way), 13km with flat beautiful sections of Tai Lam Chung reservoir meters away, 19km with famous Yuen Tsuen Ancient Trail around Tai Lam.


  • 5公里:適合孩子和家庭的輕鬆健行小徑,沿途有自然標誌,讓您親近大自然。
  • 13公里:擁有平坦而美麗的太嶺涌水庫,距離不遠,非常適合跑者。
  • 19公里:經典的元村古道,環繞太嶺,適合挑戰越野跑者。


Registration Closed
Start Time
End Time
Tai Tong Shan Road, Tai Lam

Elevation gain 180m & elevation loss 208m (Max elev 161m) – 3 hour cut-off
總爬升 180米,總下降 208米 (最高點 161米) – 限時 3小時

Race starts IN BBQ AREA above Po Leung Kuk and below parking lot where kiosk is in largest BBQ area. All will go an estimated 1.5km along the cement road into the Tai Lam country park to a major “Y” junction. Please remember when you hit this first major junction the 5km participants will go LEFT  and the 13km/19km participants will go RIGHT. The 5km hikers & runners will follow the road just over 1km down hill until the FIRST main trail junction on your left with a country park sign post and you will turn here. If you keep running down the road past this another 400m by mistake you will reach the water checkpoint which is for 13/19k runners so please turn around and go immediately back to the correct left turn you were suppose to take. Follow this left Yuen Tuen trail up over a slight hill and down a long hill total around 2.5km until the last left staircase uphill turn leading to the back of the BBQ where the finish is less than 800m uphill. Easier than it looks as elevation map a little misleading due to size. Winning 9 year old girl ran it in under 30 minutes before so not that difficult, but a good workout for the family and those wanting a relaxing hike or easy run for a change.


Cut off
Avg. Min.
Current No. of TRAILME Participants
Registration Closed
Start Time
End Time
Tai Tong Shan Road, Tai Lam

Elevation gain 329m & elevation loss 329m (Max elev 223m) - 4 hour cut-off
總爬升 329米,總下降 329米 (最高點 223米) – 限時 4小時

Race starts for 5km and 13km IN BBQ AREA. All will go an estimated 1.5km along the cement road into the Tai Lam country park to a major “Y” junction. Please remember when you hit this first major junction the 5km participants will go LEFT and the 13km/19km participants will go RIGHT. For the 13km/19km participants you will follow the same trail for 5km then there will be another junction on the downhill road section where 13km participants will go LEFT into the reservoir McLehouse trail and 19km participants will go straight further down the road. The 13km participants will run along the main MacLehose trail until the end of the reservoir and cross a small bridge by the cement main road and picnic table area where the water cp will be. Once through this check point participants will go up the road to your LEFT approximately 400m to the Yuen Tuen Trail entrance on RIGHT side (same as 5km turn off the road) and everyone follows Yuen Tuen trail for approx 2.5 km until the last left staircase on your LEFT and approx 800m uphill turn leading to the back of the BBQ where the finish is. Course marked with ribbons and A4 size signs so please slow down at all junctions to observe for course direction signs.

 賽事於早上 (tbc) 最大燒烤場地起步(保良局對上,停車場以下之位置)。所有5/13公里組別同時起步。開首1.5公里石屎路後進入大欖郊野公園主要"Y"形路口。請注意於此主要"Y"形路口,5公里參賽者左轉,13及19公里參賽者右轉。13及19公里參賽者沿此路大約4公里,便到達另一路口下坡位置,於此路口13公里參賽者"左轉"進入水塘-麥理浩徑,而19公里參賽者則繼續前進。13公里參賽者沿此麥理浩徑直走到水塘尾,經過一條小橋位於石屎路段及野餐檯子附近。越過此水站後,左前方約400米位置,便到達元荃古道入口(右手邊- 與5公里參賽者路線滙合)。微上坡沿元荃古道再下坡共約2.5公里後,到達最後左手邊上山梯級,便返回燒烤場地後面,約距離終點800米,最後上坡到達終點。沿路A4尺寸黃色指示牌及鮮粉紅絲帶標示方,建議參賽者不時留意標記及指示。

Cut off
Avg. Min.
Current No. of TRAILME Participants
Registration Closed
Start Time
End Time
Tai Tong Shan Road, Tai Lam

Elevation gain 626m & elevation loss 626m (Max elev 271m) - 5 hour cut-off  
總爬升626米,總下降626米 (最高點 271米) – 限時 5小時

Race starts in BBQ AREA. The 19km will start on it's own. (5km / 13km will leave later. All will go an estimated 1.5km along the cement road into the Tai Lam country park to a major “Y” junction. Please remember when you hit this first major junction the 5km participants will go LEFT and the 13km/19km participants will go RIGHT. For the 13km/19km participants you will follow the same trail for 4km then there will be another junction on the downhill road section where 13km participants will go LEFT into the reservoir McLehouse trail and 19km participants will go straight further down the road another 300m until a LEFT turn by the entrance to the DAM. The route will follow the main mountain bike trail around the reservoir until the water checkpoint one located in the grass picnic area where the WSD road connects with the road crossing the Dam. Runners will cross the main dam and stay on the main road until the first junction where they will turn LEFT AND CONTINUE UPHILL FOLLOWING THE MAIN TAI LAM CHUNG RESERVOIR TRACK ROAD for approximately 2km until the bridge by the river where the marshal will be to send you up a short trail that connects to the Yuen Tuen Country trail. This route will go around the reservoir mostly on the Yuen Tun Country trail following marked ribbon course and A5 size arrow signs that will eventually lead them back to the end of the reservoir where you will cross the road and follow a very narrow trail down to the bridge at the back of the picnic area where the water checkpoint 2 is located that shares also with the 13km. Once through this check point participants will go up the road approximately 400m to the Yuen Tuen Trail entrance on RIGHT (same as 5km turn off the road) and everyone (all categories) follow Yuen Tuen trail approx 2.5km until the last LEFT and approx 800m uphill turn leading to the back of the BBQ where the finish is. Course marked with ribbons and A4 size signs so please slow down at all junctions to observe for course direction signs.

 賽事於早上(tbc)最大燒烤場地起步(保良局對上,停車場以下之位置)。開首1.5公里石屎路後進入大欖郊野公園主要"Y"形路口。請注意於此主要"Y"形路口,5公里參賽者左轉,13及19公里參賽者"右轉"。13及19公里參賽者沿此路大公約4公里,便到達另一路口下坡位置,於此路口13公里參賽者左轉進入水塘-麥理浩徑,而19公里參賽者則繼續前進300米左右,直至到達水塘入口左轉。賽道將沿水塘主要爬山單車徑,直到水站1(CP1) -位於水務署、水霸路段交界之野餐草地)。參賽者保持於原路上,並越過水霸直至遇到第一路口位置,將左轉再沿大欖涌水塘的石屎路約2公里直至經過一條,右手邊有一小山徑,此山徑為通往圓墩郊遊徑方向,通過短山徑後,然後左轉進入圓墩郊遊徑。19公里跟隨絲帶及A4路標指示,接到元荃古道下山,橫過小路到達橋處,便到水站2(CP2)。越過此水站後,左前方約400米位置,便到達元荃古道入口(右手邊- 與5公里參賽者路線滙合)。微上坡沿元荃古道再下坡共約2.5公里後,到達最後左手邊上山梯級,便返回燒烤場地後面,約距離終點800米,最後上坡到達終點。沿路A4尺寸黃色指示牌及鮮粉紅絲帶標示方,建議參賽者不時留意標記及指示

Cut off
Avg. Min.
Current No. of TRAILME Participants